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haha~ dun complain la~ | 哈哈,別投訴啦~

Nov 1, 2008
kekeke... a bit too long didn't up date my blog... have people start complaining lor.. since ever i no working, it was like been freeze.
呵呵呵~ 是有點太久沒更新天使的家咯~ 好像有人有點小埋怨 :P ~沒有工作了,就連部落格也請假。

Actually not only my blog, even my life, it was like frozen for 2 months. I stop my daily, weekly and monthly activities since ever i'm not working. Lucky it was only 1.5 months. hahaha...
其實,就連我的世界好像也暫時停頓了一陣子。日常作習也停了下來。 幸好只是一個半月而已, 哈哈~

Don't worry, friends, my life still go on. Just i had taken a completely 'holiday'... I am still what I am. Still fat, still blur, still sot sot dei~~
別擔心, 日子還是要照常過。我只是放自己一個長假而已~我還是一樣的我~一樣的胖,一樣的糊塗,還是傻傻的~ 哈哈

Started a new job. Knowing some new friends. Have a nice start, hope it could be better in future. I am not hoping too much, but just wanted a comfortable yet interesting life.

Waiting~ 等待中 ~

Aug 2, 2008
While waiting a friend that's late, just come in write something.

This home is still new, still thinking and planning to renovate it.
Trying it hard to make it more comfortable and interesthing for people who visit.
Anyone have any suggestions?
天使的新家还在修饰中。 尝试让到访的朋友都感觉舒适和有趣。

Still waiting... feel bored and hungry. It was 5.08pm now, and I still haven eat or drink anything since i wake up at 9am. May be I sleep to early yesterday, at about 10.30pm.. ermm for some people it was consider late enough, but for people who know me, it was so~~ early.

Still still waiting... Waiting can be boring can be relaxing, some people get frustrated while waiting, for me, as long as the person i wait will reach safely and not be 'too' late. then i shall be find. The longest i wait before was about 3-4 hours. =.=!! it was really late...


Jul 31, 2008
天使部落格搬家啦~~ 是即兴,但不是草率的决定。
Angel's blog was officially moved!!!
It was a very last minute but yet serious decision.
Lets have a new begining, to gather the angel's love that has lost somewhere, and lighten it up again~