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忙?盲! | is busy or blind?

Nov 18, 2009

Busy is just can prove your schedule is full, but it doesn't mean your life is. Slow down your step, only can make you notice what is beside u. We had no choise to be born but we have choise to be alive. I like to observe, observe other people and observe this world. Nowaday, even the love itself is change. The betrayer is the change of the lifestyle. From write letter, to tele-communication and back to now internet(msn, fb, twitter.. etc), from writting to speaking and now back to typing. The loop is never change. People is always go around with the loop, it will come back to the same point again and again. This means the "process" is much more important then the "result". Slow down your move, relax and you will find that life can be really simple but yet nice..

爱的流感 | love flu

Nov 17, 2009
this blog was renovated about a month ago, let had a new title today. "love flu", this idea was come from the word i spoke to my lovely friend yesterdat in FB :"happiness is a thing that will be contagious, i am feeling happy becouse of your happiness."

This friend, I am one of her audiance for her happiness and sadness. From City to town, from busy to stabile, i feel happy and touching for her.

结婚证书,其实是一张报名就读“婚姻生活”课程的报名表格。婚前准备,就是入学试。很多人,就是因为没准备好就应考入学试,结果当然就是肝脑涂地咯。入学以后,很多事情要学习的,偶尔还有大考、小考、期中考,没完没了。科目有,婆媳关系,夫妻相处,经济理财,生活规划,家务劳动,身体锻炼等等。又文又武,就是要为升学做好准备。初级课程毕业后,就会进入中级。中级课程再囊括人口规划,投资精算,侦查监视… 从中级又要考入高级,然后再上大学,硕士,博士。毕业的证书,会刻在石碑上。但证书只记载姓名,毕业年龄,出生日期。这就是婚姻。
ROM, is just a application for a "marriage course". Preparation for wedding, is like a test for entry. Many peoples never get prepare for the test, so they fail to get in to this course. The course have many things to learn and many test and examination to take. Subjecks like Financial Planning, PR, Workshop Tranning, Production Planning and many more. From beginner to intermediate to higher level. All your result will crafted in a stone that call gravestone。 This is call marriage.

婚姻被冤枉了好久,爱情的坟墓不在婚姻,而在于人的不珍惜。大家都该来为婚姻平反一下,很多不能从这课程毕业的人,就是不原意珍惜,但却把账赖在婚姻上,无辜让别人不能相信婚姻。冤枉啊~~ 大人~~~~~
Marriage was wronged by people for long time. It is not a graveyard for love, instead the graveyard was build by people itself. Don't every blame the marriage again, please...